Honda Tsivik + Cars of the Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand + Maintenance instruction + Routine maintenance - Engine + Repair of the engine without extraction from the car - the Civic model + Repair of the engine without extraction from the car - the Integra model - General and capital repairs of the engine General information Check of pressure of oil Check of compression pressure in cylinders Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with use of the vacuum gage Removal from the car of the power unit - preparation and precautionary measures Removal and installation of the engine Alternative versions of schemes of recovery repair of the engine Order of dismantling of the engine by preparation it to capital repairs Dismantling of a head of cylinders Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders Service of valves Assembly of a head of cylinders Removal of shatunno-piston assemblies Removal of a cranked shaft Cleaning of the block of the engine Check of a condition of the block of the engine Honingovaniye of mirrors of cylinders Check of a condition of components of shatunno-piston group Check of a condition of a cranked shaft Check of a state and selection of inserts of radical and shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft Engine assembly order Installation of piston rings Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working gaps of radical bearings Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft Installation of shatunno-piston assemblies and check of size of working gaps in shatunny bearings of a cranked shaft Trial start and running in of the engine after capital repairs + Cooling system and heating + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine + Control systems of the engine + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Removal and installation of the engine
It is worth to remember that gasoline is flammable liquid in the highest measure – during the work with components of a power supply system observe all taken measures of fire safety. Do not smoke and do not come nearer to a venue of works with naked flame or the carrying unprotected by the lamp shade. Do not make service of system in the room equipped with the heating devices working at natural gas and equipped with a control torch (such as vodogre and dryers for clothes). Do not forget that gasoline is among the cancerogenic substances promoting development of a cancer – try not to allow hits of fuel on open sites of a body – use protective rubber gloves, at casual unforeseen contact carefully wash out hands warm water with soap. Immediately collect the spilled fuel and do not put the rags impregnated with fuels and lubricants near sources of naked flame. Remember that the power supply system of the models equipped with injection of fuel constantly is under pressure. Before starting a detachment of fuel lines, dump residual pressure in system (for more details see the Head of the Power supply system and release). At service of components of a power supply system put on goggles. Constantly hold near at hand the class B fire extinguisher! |
The path of the air conditioning system also constantly is under pressure, and therefore before a rassoyedineniye of refrigerator lines it is necessary to make a discharge of system in the conditions of a specialized workshop.
On the considered models the engine is removed assembled with transmission. Before getting to work attentively examine materials of the present Section. It will be useful to impregnate with beforehand getting oil such hardly given fixture as nuts/bolts of fastening of a final collector, support of the power unit, etc. |
1. Dump pressure in a power supply system (see the Head of the Power supply system and release). 2. Disconnect a negative wire from the battery. Disconnect also positive wire, then release fixture of opposite tips of both wires and take the last of a motive compartment. on the Civic models remove the battery and take from a motive compartment its adjusting pallet (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine).
If the stereosystem established on the car is equipped with a security code before disconnecting the battery make sure that have the correct combination for input of the audio system in action! |
3. Cover wings and an airreflector under a car windshield special protective covers, or simply old blankets. As it is possible open a cowl (Civic models) more widely, or remove it absolutely (Integra models) (see the Head Kuzov).
4. On the Integra models remove a rasporny bar of a motive compartment (see an accompanying illustration). |
5. Remove assembly of the air cleaner with an air inlet sleeve (see the Head of the Power supply system and release).
6a. Accurately mark and disconnect from the engine all vacuum lines, hoses of system of decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases, sockets, an electrical wiring, the tire of grounding and fuel pipes (see accompanying illustrations). On the Civic models disconnect an electrical wiring from the module of management of the power (RSM) in salon of the car (see the Head of the Control system of the engine), then take rubber plugs through passage from a back partition of a motive compartment and push the main braid of an electrical wiring through a partition. It is best of all to make marking of an electrical wiring, lines and hoses by means of an adhesive tape. It will also be useful to make the scheme of laying of communications, or to execute a series of pictures. |
6b. On the Integra models the socket of the main braid is located at the left in a motive compartment. |
7. Having marked, disconnect all hoses of the cooling system from the engine. 8. Remove a broad tank, the cooling system fan with a casing and a radiator (see the Head of the Cooling system and heating). 9. Take off a driving belt(s) and a tension roller (if that is provided) (see the Head Routine maintenance). 10. Disconnect the fuel lines going from the engine to the chassis (see the Head of the Power supply system and release). Zakuporte the open ends of lines and unions in order to avoid hit of dirt in a power supply system. 11. Disconnect from the engine draft of an accelerator (see the Head of the Power supply system and release), and also a cable of the drive and the actuation mechanism of a tempostat (at the corresponding complete set of the car). 12. Otboltite the steering pump also shift it aside, without disconnecting hydraulic lines (see the Head Podvesk and a steering). Track that the pump was fixed strictly vertically. 13. On the models equipped with the air conditioner (To/in), otboltit and shift the compressor aside – do not disunite refrigerator lines (see the Head of the Cooling system and heating).
Reliably fix the removed compressor a wire, without allowing it to hang on hoses. |
14. Otboltite the generator also shift it together with a basic level aside (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine). 15. The car also establish to Poddomkratta it on props. Empty the cooling system (see the Head Routine maintenance). 16. Merge motive oil and remove an oil filter (see the Head Routine maintenance). 17. Remove a starter (see the Head Elektrooborudovaniye of the engine). 18. Remove protection of a case (see the Head Kuzov). 19. On models with AT disconnect a cable of the drive of a butterfly valve from a transmission case. Also disconnect from transmission all electrical wiring and a cable of switching (see 4-staged and besstupenchaty automatic transmissions (at and cvt)). 20. On models with AT disconnect also from transmission of the line of cooling of ATF. 21. Remove a pulley of a cranked shaft and screw into place a bolt. 22. Disconnect from the engine a reception pipe of system of production of the fulfilled gases (see the Head of the Power supply system and release). 23. Prop up transmission by a cart jack. Do not forget to lay between a head of a jack and a case of transmission wooden whetstone for distribution of loading.
24. Connect to the engine lifting slings or chains (see an accompanying illustration). |
25. Move the winch into position (strictly over the engine) and fill a rigging, without raising the engine so far.
Try not to thrust hands under the power unit withheld in a hover! |
26. Remove power shafts (see the Head Stsepleniye and power shafts). 27. On models with RKPP otboltit the executive cylinder of coupling and shift it aside, without disconnecting hydraulic lines (see the Head Stsepleniye and power shafts). Disconnect drafts of gear shifting (see a 5-staged manual box of gear shifting). 28. Turn out bolts of fastening of support of the power unit to chassis elements (see Parts Repair of the engine without extraction from the car - the Civic models or Repair of the engine without extraction from the car - the Integra model of the present Chapter). 29. Make sure that anything else does not connect the power unit to the car. In case of need make necessary detachments, previously having marked the forgotten communications. 30. Slowly lift the engine, accurately releasing its support. At the same time raise a jack transmission. Having made sure of lack of hindrances, take assembly of the power unit from a motive compartment. 31. Carefully omit assembly of the power unit on a floor of garage and prop up it wooden blocks. If necessary remove a flywheel / a driving disk and install the engine on the assembly stand. 32. Separate transmission from the engine (see the Head Korobk of gear shifting). |
1. Check a condition of support of the power unit. Replace defective components. 2. On models with RKPP check a condition of components of coupling (it will be correct to replace all assembly). Establish coupling (see the Head Stsepleniye and power shafts) and grease with high-temperature greasing of a vent of primary shaft of a transmission. 3. Accurately connect transmission to the engine.
In order to avoid damage of the main components, do not use fixing bolts for alignment of transmission and the engine from each other at all! On models with AT extra care should be shown at installation of the converter of rotation (strictly follow the instructions stated in 4-staged and besstupenchaty automatic transmissions (at and cvt)). |
4. Connect a rigging to the power unit, lift assembly and accurately bring it on the regular place to a motive compartment of the car. 5. Screw fixing bolts and strongly tighten them. Make further assembly as it should be, the return to a dismantle order. 6. Add in the engine cooling liquid and engine oil, fill transmission and system of hydrostrengthening of a wheel (see the Head Routine maintenance). 7. Start the engine and check it for serviceability of functioning and existence of signs of leaks. Switch off ignition and check levels of working liquids of the power unit. If removed (Integra models), establish into place a cowl. Make trial runs of the car. 8. On the models equipped To/in make evacuation and charging of central air in the conditions of a specialized workshop. |