Check of level of liquid of the power steering (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months) Unlike the steering mechanism of usual type, in the transfer equipped with the hydraulic booster working liquid which needs replacement over time is used. The tank of hydraulic liquid of the steering pump is located on the internal panel of a mudguard of an arch of the left wheel, i.e. in the left forward corner of a motive compartment.
1. For check of level of hydraulic liquid it is necessary to establish pereny wheels of the car in rectilinear situation. The killed engine, as well as hydraulic liquid of the steering drive has to be cold.
2. Tank walls a pass on all models are made of the translucent is small that allows to check the level of liquid without uncovering (see an accompanying illustration). Watch that liquid level constantly was between the top and lower marks in tank walls. |
3. If necessary liquid is added in the tank through a mouth of the last by means of a funnel – use only hydraulic liquid of the recommended grade. 4. If need for adjustment of level of liquid arises regularly and often, check the steering pump, a case of rack transfer, and also all hydraulic lines and their nipple connections for existence of signs of leaks. |