Honda Civic/Acura Integrasince 1994 releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Honda Tsivik + Cars of the Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand + Maintenance instruction - Routine maintenance Schedule of routine maintenance Specifications General information about settings and adjustments Check of levels of liquids (each 400 km of run or weekly) Check of a condition of tires and pressure of their rating (each 400 km of run or weekly) Check of level of liquid of the power steering (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months) Check of the ATF AT/CVT level (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months) Replacement of motive oil and oil filter (each 4 800 km of run or time in three months) Check of a state and replacement of brushes of screen wipers (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Check, service and charging of the battery (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Check of a state, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement of driving belts, (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Check of a state and replacement of the hoses located in a motive compartment (each 12 000 km of run or times in 6 months) Check of a condition of components of the cooling system (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Rotation of wheels (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Check of brake system (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Check of a condition of seat belts (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months) Check and adjustment of gaps of valves (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months) Replacement of the filtering air cleaner element (each 24 000 km of run or times in two years) Check of a condition of components of a power supply system (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months) Check of level of the RKPP transmission oil (each 24 000 km of run or time in 12 months) Survey of components of a suspension bracket and steering drive, check of a condition of protective covers of power shafts Check of a condition of components of system of production of the fulfilled gases (each 9600 km of run or times in 6 months) Check of a state and replacement of spark plugs Check of a state and replacement of VV of candle wires, a cover and the runner of the distributor (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Check and replacement of the valve of system of the operated ventilation of a case (PCV) (each 48 000 km of run or times in 24 months) Replacement of the fuel filter (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Check and adjustment of turns of idling (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Service of the cooling system (depletion, washing and filling) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Replacement of brake fluid (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Replacement of liquid of automatic transmission (AT/CVT) (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Replacement of the RKPP transmission oil (each 48 000 km of run or time in 24 months) Dumping of the counter of the indicator of intervals of service + Engine + Cooling system and heating + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine + Control systems of the engine + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment |
Check of a state, adjustment of effort of a tension and replacement of driving belts, (each 12 000 km of run or time in 6 months) Check Driving, or V-shaped (as they are called sometimes), belts are located in forward part of the power unit and play an important role in functioning of the engine and many other systems of the car. Over time belts are subject to wear, and therefore, have to look round regularly according to the schedule of routine maintenance of the car in order to avoid serious engine failures which correction of consequences can become in kopek.
The quantity of the used driving belts depends on a car complete set. Belts are applied to the drive of such auxiliary units, as the generator, steering and water pumps, the air conditioner compressor, etc. Depending on the scheme of an arrangement of pulleys, can be put by one belt in action more than one unit. Adjustment In case of need correction of effort of a tension of a driving belt, is made by shift in the relevant party of the unit given by it.