Honda Civic/Acura Integrasince 1994 releaseRepair and operation of the car |
Honda Tsivik + Cars of the Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand - Maintenance instruction Arrangement and functions of governing bodies Keys and locks Adjustment of seats The equipment and governing bodies in salon Heater and air conditioner Control system of a microclimate of salon Audio system Security systems Running in of the new car Unlocking of a cowl The valve of shutdown of supply of fuel in case of accident (on some models) Start of the engine Five-step manual box of gear shifting Automatic transmission Besstupenchaty variator (separate models) Devices of external lighting and alarm system of the trailer Check of level of liquid in automatic transmission Driving belts Emergency closing of the panel of the hatch of a roof Safety locks + Routine maintenance + Engine + Cooling system and heating + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine + Control systems of the engine + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment |
Arrangement and functions of governing bodies
CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK The control panel and the control panel differ in a microclimate from shown on an illustration. All differences are in detail described below in appropriate sections. Switches of power windows are located in two places: in front of the handle of an armrest of a driver's door and on the central console about the lever of the parking brake. On a control panel the set of indicators and signaling devices by means of which the driver receives important information on functioning of units and systems of the car is bred. Check of serviceability of light signaling devices and indicators
This signaling device has to light up at ignition inclusion (a key will turn in situation II) and to die away after start of the engine. The signaling device should not burn at the working engine. If the signaling device started blinking, it indicates short-term sharp pressure drop in the engine lubrication system then pressure of oil was restored to a normal amount. If in engine operating time the signaling device burns constantly, it testifies to emergency pressure decrease of oil to dangerous level. Serious damages and an exit of the engine out of operation are possible. In both cases (when the signaling device blinks or burns constantly) it is necessary to take urgent measures which are described below. ATTENTION Operation of the engine with a low pressure in the lubrication system leads practically at once to an engine exit out of operation because of serious mechanical damages of responsible details. Therefore at inclusion of a signaling device of emergency pressure drop of oil it is necessary to stop urgently and quickly to kill the engine.
This signaling device has to light up at ignition inclusion (a key will turn in situation II) and to die away after start of the engine. If the signaling device joined at the working engine, it testifies to the termination of a charge of the battery from the generator. At fire of a signaling device at once switch off everything consumers of electric energy: autoradio tape recorder, heater, heater of back glass, air conditioner, tempostat, etc. Do not turn on power windows, and also other drives and devices consuming the electric power. Try to support steady operation of the engine that it did not decay. The subsequent start of the engine a starter will lead to the strong additional category of the battery. Having reduced electric load of the battery in the greatest possible degree, you will be able to pass some more kilometers before the battery is discharged so that will not be able to support normal operation of the engine. At inclusion of a signaling device of the category of the battery at once go to service station or to a workshop where to you will help to eliminate malfunction.
The signaling device joins at the open or leaky closed trunk lid.
The indicator lights up along with inclusion of a driving beam of headlights. The description of the switch of lighting and the switch of light of headlights is provided further in this Section.
This signaling device lights up for some seconds at ignition inclusion (a key will turn in the ignition lock in situation II). If the signaling device joined in any other time, it testifies to possible malfunction of one of systems of decrease in toxicity of emissions in the atmosphere. Even if you do not notice any changes in operation of the engine and deterioration of dynamics of the car, malfunctions of these systems can become the reason of increase in fuel consumption and toxicity of the engine. Continuation of operation of the car with the included signaling device can lead to serious damages of the engine and its exit out of operation. If the signaling device of malfunction of systems of the engine joined on the run of the car, stop in a safe place on a roadside or at the region of the carriageway and switch off the engine. Then again start the engine and watch a signaling device. If the signaling device continues to burn, it is necessary to address urgently on service station for check and repair of systems of the engine. Before elimination of malfunctions of systems of the engine move on the car with a moderate speed. Avoid sharp dispersals of the car by full pressing a pedal of an accelerator and do not move at a high speed. Even if the signaling device of malfunction of systems of the engine dies away after switching off and restart of the engine. You should address on service station in that case when inclusion of a signaling device on the run of the car happens rather often.
The indicator carries out two functions.
Indicators of inclusion of indexes of turn work along with the corresponding lamps of indexes of turn. The direction of arrows of indicators shows the direction of turn or change of a lane. If indicators do not blink or blink with the increased frequency, it, as a rule, indicates burn-out of a lamp in one of lamps of indexes of turn. Replace the fused lamp at the first opportunity as other participants of traffic cannot see your signals of change of the direction of the movement. Idle indexes of turn can become the road accident reason. There are two types of systems of the alarm system. Your car is equipped with system of the alarm system which meets requirements of the standards existing in your country. One type of system provides simultaneous turning on of indicators of the indexes of turn (located on a control panel) and all lamps of indexes of turn. The system of the alarm system of the second type in addition turns on the indicator of the alarm system which is located on a control panel.
The signaling device lights up at ignition inclusion (the ignition key will turn in situation II). He reminds the driver and passengers of need to fasten seat belts. Besides, if you did not fasten the seat belt, the sound signaling device in addition will join. The sound signaling device of not fastened seat belt will be switched off in some seconds, and the light signaling device will continue to burn until you do not fasten a belt. Signaling devices do not join if you fastened the seat belt before ignition inclusion.
The signaling device has to light up for some seconds at inclusion of ignition or a starter (the ignition key will turn respectively in situation II or III). Inclusion of a signaling device in any other conditions indicates malfunction in anti-blocking system. If the signaling device lit up on the run of the car, stop in a safe place and switch off the engine. Try to eliminate possible failure in system, having restarted the engine. After start of the engine check a condition of a signaling device. If it was not switched off or again lit up during the movement of the car, it is necessary to address on HUNDRED for diagnostics and repair of ABS. At the included signaling device of malfunction of ABS the working brake system of the car remains quite efficient, however ABS will not work.
The signaling device is intended for the warning of the driver of possible refusal of an additional security system.
The ECONO indicator helps the driver to improve fuel profitability of the car. The indicator turns on if the engine of the car works at the most favorable modes from the point of view of fuel consumption. The indicator has to light up for some seconds at ignition inclusion (the ignition key will turn in situation II). The indicator remains included until the engine continues to work economically. At an engine deviation from the most economy mode and increase in fuel consumption the indicator is switched off. If the control lever a transmission is in the first or second situation, the ECONO indicator does not turn on at all (an exception modifications of the car with a besstupenchaty variator make). With a besstupenchaty variator the indicator does not work at cars at inclusion of ranges 2 or L (6-band option of transmission) or if at the included range of D the dynamic mode (S) of management of transmission (5-band option of transmission) is chosen. Besides, the ECONO indicator does not work at a speed of the movement of the car less than 20 km/h and at the engine, not heated-up up to the normal working temperature.
Inclusion of a signaling device means that in a tank there were less than 6.5 l of gasoline. You need to fill a fuel tank urgently.
The indicator has to light up for some seconds at ignition inclusion (the ignition key will turn in situation II). After taking out of a key from the ignition lock the indicator of an immobilizer blinks within several seconds and then dies away. If the improper key is inserted into the lock of ignition, the indicator of an immobilizer starts blinking. Thus the anti-theft device blocks start of the engine. If the indicator of an immobilizer blinks, it is impossible to start the engine. Speedometer The speedometer shows the speed of the movement of the car. The scale of a speedometer can be graduated in km/h or at the same time in km/h and miles/h depending on option of execution of the device. On some modifications of the car inclusion of the sound warning signal if the speed of the movement exceeds 120 km/h is provided. Tachometer (separate models) The tachometer shows the frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft of the engine. The scale of a tachometer is graduated in terms of rpm. In order to avoid an engine exit out of operation it is not necessary to exceed the most admissible frequency of rotation of a cranked shaft (the arrow of a tachometer should not come into a red zone of a scale). Counter of the general run The counter shows the general run of the car (in kilometers or miles depending on option of execution of the device). The run measuring instrument from the moment of dumping The device reflects run of the car from the moment of the last zeroing of indications (in kilometers or miles depending on execution option). To nullify indications of a measuring instrument of run and to reckon run anew, it is necessary to press the dumping button. Index of temperature of the engine The device shows temperature of cooling liquid of the engine. Normal working temperature of the engine at operation of the car in usual conditions corresponds to the average provision of an arrow of the index. In very hot weather or at the movement of the car on long raising of the shooter of the index can rise to a blue tag on a scale. If temperature of the engine increased so that the arrow of the index is on a red tag (N) of a scale, it is necessary to stop immediately the car and to find out the engine overheat reason. The index of a reserve of fuel in a tank The device shows relative amount of fuel in a tank. The index works with the minimum error if the car is on an equal horizontal platform. At the movement of the car on twisting or hilly roads the error of the device increases. If to switch off ignition, the arrow of the index of level of fuel will remain on a place. After gas station of a fuel tank and inclusion of ignition of the shooter of the index will gradually turn into the new situation corresponding to the actual amount of fuel in a tank. As soon as the arrow of the index falls to the tag "Е" (An empty tank), it is necessary to fill a fuel tank urgently. CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK
Lighting switch
The switch of lighting is executed in the form of the rotary handle which is located on the end of a control lever indexes of turn. For turning on of devices of external lighting of the car turn the switch handle in the first fixed situation. Thus lobbies and back dimensional lamps, lamps of illumination of registration plate and illumination of the control panel will join. For inclusion of forward headlights it is necessary to turn the lighting switch handle in the second fixed situation. On some modifications of the car inclusion of the warning sound signal when opening a driver's door if you left included in external lighting is provided and turned the ignition key in situation I (ACCESSORY-Vspomogatelnye consumers of the electric power) or in situation 0 (LOCK Blocking).
Switching of forward headlights from a passing beam on distant is also back made when pressing a control lever by indexes of turn towards itself. Press the lever before click and then release it. At inclusion of a driving beam of headlights on a control panel the blue indicator, see above in this Section will light up. For the alarm system a driving beam of headlights press a control lever indexes of turn to yourself and hold it in the pressed situation. The driving beam will burn during the whole time of deduction of the lever. At a lever otpuskaniye the driving beam of headlights will be turned off. The driving beam of headlights is turned on when pressing a control lever by indexes of turn irrespective of, in what situation there is a rotary handle of the switch of lighting. Lighting for the movement in the afternoon (separate models) Lighting for the movement joins and switched off automatically in the afternoon. Inclusion happens at turn of the ignition key in situation II (Ignition is included), and switching off – at turn of the handle of the switch of lighting in the first or second situation. Regulator of brightness of illumination of the control panel (separate models)
The rotary regulator of brightness of illumination is located on the control panel to the left of a steering column. Rotating the regulator, establish the desirable brightness of illumination of the control panel. CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK The arrangement of the regulator of brightness of illumination of the control panel differs from shown on an illustration. Switch of indexes of turn
The lever installed at the left on a steering column is intended for inclusion of indexes of turn at change of the direction of the movement or evolutions of the car (change of a lane). The left or right indexes of turn join pressing the lever respectively down or up. In extreme top and lower provisions the lever is fixed therefore lamps of indexes of turn continue to blink and after a lever otpuskaniye. Switching off of indexes of turn happens automatically after return of a steering wheel to neutral situation. For the alarm system indexes of turn about evolution of the car from a row in a row slightly press the lever up or down and hold it in the course of maneuvering. At an otpuskaniye the lever automatically comes back to a starting position, and indexes of turn are switched off. Windshield screen wiper switch
The rotary handle of the switch of a screen wiper is located on the end of a control lever a windshield washer. (The lever is installed on the right on a steering column.) The switch of a screen wiper can have two or three fixed situation: first situation INT: interval operating mode of a screen wiper; the second situation —: a continuous operating mode of a screen wiper with a low speed; third situation ===: a continuous operating mode of a screen wiper with a high speed.
In an interval operating mode (the switch will turn in the situation INT) between running cycles of a screen wiper small pauses in some seconds are maintained. In the second and third provisions of the switch the screen wiper works continuously. Besides, you can include quickly a screen wiper on some running cycles, having pressed the lever down. Thus the screen wiper will work with high speed until you do not release the lever. This mode is convenient to that allows to restore quickly visibility through a windshield, for example, after overtaking or travel with the oncoming car on the dirty and wet road after dozhdya.r Switch of a washer wind steklar
To include a windshield washer, press the lever located on the right on a steering column towards yourself. The pump through nozzles will continuously spray a windshield liquid from the washer tank until you do not release the lever. On some modifications of the car along with a washer of a windshield also the screen wiper which thus works in the continuous mode with low speed joins. After a control lever otpuskaniye a washer of a brush of a screen wiper make one more additional running cycle and stop in a starting position. Switch of an electric heater of back glass
The electric heater is intended for removal from a surface of back glass of the condensed moisture, hoarfrost or a thin ice layer. The electric heater of back glass joins and switched off by means of one button located on the control panel. Press the button to include an electric heater. Along with inclusion of an electric heater the light indicator on the button will light up. By repeated pressing of the button the electric heater will be switched off. CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK The arrangement of the switch of an electric heater of back glass differs from shown on an illustration. Before a trip on the car check visibility through back glass. The electrowire grid of a heater located on an internal surface of back glass can be damaged incidentally at careless handling, for example, at the wrong cleaning of a surface of back glass. Wipe back glass only along strings of an electrowire grid of a heater. Switch of the alarm system
To turn on the alarm light system, press the red button with a triangular symbol located in the central part of the control panel. Thus lobbies and back indexes of turn, and also the strelochny indicators located on a control panel will blink at the same time. Use the alarm system for the warning of other participants of the movement of accident, the compelled stop of the car and in other dangerous situations, being guided by the existing Traffic regulations. CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK The arrangement of the switch of the alarm light system differs from shown on an illustration. Switch of screen wipers and washers of forward headlights (separate models)
By each pressing the button screen wipers of forward headlights make some running cycles. Washers of headlights are connected besides to the tank, as a windshield washer. CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK The switch of a washer of forward headlights is located near the regulator of illumination of the control panel, see an illustration with a general view of the forward panel. Switch of back foggy lamps (separate models)
Back foggy lamps can be used only at the included forward headlights. For inclusion of foggy lamps press the switch button. Along with inclusion of back foggy lamps the indicator located on the button will light up. The indicator reminds you of the included foggy lamps. CARS WITH A 5-DOOR BODY THE HATCHBACK The arrangement of the switch of back foggy lamps differs from shown on an illustration. Lever of a clamp of an adjustable steering column (separate models) You can adjust at discretion a steering wheel on height. Before a trip on the car establish a steering wheel in the most convenient for you situation.