Honda Tsivik + Cars of the Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand + Maintenance instruction + Routine maintenance - Engine + Repair of the engine without extraction from the car - the Civic model - Repair of the engine without extraction from the car - the Integra model General information Preparatory actions and the list of repair procedures which can be executed without extraction of the engine from the car Reduction of the piston of the first cylinder in the provision of the top dead point (TDP) Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline Removal and installation of a final collector Removal, check of a state and installation of a gas-distributing belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive Replacement of a forward epiploon of a cranked shaft VTEC systems - the general information and check of a condition of components Removal, check of a state and installation of camshafts and assembly of yokes Replacement of valvate springs with plates and maslootrazhatelny caps Removal and installation of a head of cylinders Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine Removal, check of a state and installation of the oil pump Replacement of a flywheel / driving disk Replacement of a back epiploon of a cranked shaft Check of a state and replacement of support of a suspension bracket of the power unit + General and capital repairs of the engine + Cooling system and heating + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine + Control systems of the engine + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Removal, check of a state and installation of camshafts and assembly of yokes
1. Check of an axial side play is made as follows: a) Install a camshaft in the engine and fix it covers of bearings;
b) Fix the dial measuring instrument on a head of cylinders, having rested it a plunger against a shaft end face (see an accompanying illustration); |
c) Having used a big screw-driver as the lever, take away a shaft against the stop back and nullify the measuring instrument, then push a shaft forward and consider instrument reading; d) Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications; e) The excessive size of an axial side play speaks about wear of a camshaft, or head. Replace defective components. 2. For check of a lateral beating: a) Lay the camshaft removed from the engine in two V-shaped prisms, then press a plunger of the dial measuring instrument to a neck of the central bearing and measure beating size at rotation of a shaft; b) Compare results of measurement to requirements of Specifications; c) At excessive fight the camshaft is subject to replacement. |
1. Carefully wipe all components and check them for existence of signs of wear and mechanical damages. Check a condition of working surfaces of yokes and cams of camshafts. Check a condition of axes of yokes. Replace defective components. Do not forget to make sure of passability of maslotok of axes of yokes. 2. Estimate degree of wear of cams of camshafts: a) Check raising of cams for existence of deep scratches, zadir, cavities and signs of uneven operation; b) In case of detection of defects replace a shaft, previously having found out and having eliminated a cause of wear. Check motive oil for existence in it of an abrasive, make sure of passability of maslotok. Wear of cams is most often connected with oil pollution;
c) By means of a micrometer measure height of cams (see an accompanying illustration). |
3. Check bearing necks and in bulk and a cover of bearings for existence of zadir and signs of uneven wear. In case of detection of defects replace a head of cylinders. 4. Measure working gaps in bearings by means of the calibrated wire from the Plastigauge set: a) Wipe covers of bearings and a neck of shaft the pure rags moistened in acetone; b) Accurately lay shaft in a head of cylinders (without any greasing).
In the course of procedure performance shaft should not be turned. |
c) Lay pieces of the calibrated plastic wire from the Plastigauge set along bearing necks of a shaft (see an accompanying illustration); |
d) Establish to the place of a cover of bearings, then in stages tighten their fixture with the demanded effort (move from the center of a shaft outside); e) Give bolts and uncover;
f) Measure width of the flattened-out pieces of the calibrated wire on the scale applied on packing of a set (see an accompanying illustration); |
g) If results of measurements exceed the limit of admissible range (see Specifications), replace worn-out components; h) Edge of a credit or payphone card scratch out the remains of the flattened-out wire from shaft necks. |
1. Grease all components with assembly greasing, or pure motive oil, then establish to the place of assembly of yokes (watch landing marking). 2. Grease cams and necks of camshafts with special assembly greasing, then lay shaft in the bearings (do not mix an inlet shaft with final). Grease the surfaces of covers of the 1st and 6th bearings interfaced to a head with anaerobic sealant. Establish covers, then, moving from the center outside, in stages evenly tighten fixing bolts with the demanded effort (see Specifications). 3. Further installation is made as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components. In case of need make adjustment of valvate gaps (see the Head Routine maintenance). 4. Start the engine on existence of signs of leaks and serviceability of functioning. |
B18C1 AND B18C5 ENGINES (VTEC) Removal
1. Take off a belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive (see Removal, check of a state and installation of a gas-distributing belt and cogwheels of the GRM drive). 2. Uncover heads of cylinders (see Removal and installation of a cover of a head of cylinders). 3. Remove the distributor of ignition and the sensor of fluctuations of a cranked shaft (see Chapters Electric equipment of the engine and the Control system of the engine). 4. Weaken lock-nuts and against the stop turn out bolts of adjustment of valvate gaps. 5. Check covers of bearings of shaft for existence of marking in the form of the arrows specifying towards a GRM drive belt. In case of need put the corresponding tags independently by means of a chertilka. Also number covers (with the first on the sixth in the direction from a gas-distributing belt) and mark them on belonging to a concrete shaft (inlet or final).
The wrong installation of holders of shaft, and also rotation of the last not in that direction can lead to jamming of assemblies. |
6. Moving from the center outside, in stages (on 1/4 turns for approach) weaken bolts of fastening of covers, having brought to naught the effort developed by valvate springs (see an illustration – the otdavaniye of bolts has to be made in the return shown in a picture an order). Remove plates of holders and a cover of bearings (the interfaced surface of a cover of the 3rd [central] bearing is equipped with the directing pin equipped with a rubber sealing ring – try not to lose fine details). |
7. Take camshafts from a head of cylinders.
8. Fasten yokes of the drive of each of sets of valves with each other by means of rubber bandages (see an accompanying illustration). |
9. Turn out the bolts of fastening of a head of cylinders passing through axes of yokes (see Removal and installation of a head of cylinders). Remove from axes masloraspylitel (see Removal, check of a state and installation of camshafts and assembly of yokes).
10a. Screw in end faces of axes bolts on 12 mm. |
10b. For heads of bolts serially take axes from a head of cylinders see accompanying illustrations). |
1. Check a condition of shaft and yokes (see paragraphs of check to the B18B1 ENGINE (BEZ VTEC) is higher). 2. Sort sets of yokes and check a condition of components (see VTEC Systems - the general information and check of a condition of components).
Put components in orders of their belonging to the set – at assembly they have to be established strictly on the former places. Having made sure of serviceability of a condition of details, collect sets and fasten them among themselves with rubber bandages. |
1. Establish on the regular places of assembly of proofreaders of valvate gaps (see the previous illustration). 2. Grease all components with assembly greasing, or pure motive oil. Up to the end weaken screws of adjustment of valvate gaps. Establish the assemblies of yokes fastened with rubber bandages on the former places, then establish axes of yokes. The nest under landing of a masloraspylitel is provided in each of axes of yokes. If after installation of shaft of a nest there are rassovmeshchena, correct axes for heads of the boats screwed in their end faces. 3. Put on new sealing rings on masloraspylitel, then establish sprays in a head – do not mix an inlet spray with final (see VTEC Systems - the general information and check of a condition of components). Track that sprays got to the nests in axes of yokes (at the correct installation sprays have to block axes from a provorachivaniye). 4. Grease cams and necks of camshafts with special assembly greasing, then lay shaft in the bearings (do not mix an inlet shaft with final).
5. Carefully wipe dry rags the surfaces of a head contacting to epiploons and establish new epiploons (the parties equipped with springs to a head) (see an accompanying illustration). |
6. Grease the surfaces of covers of the 1st and 5th bearings interfaced to a head with anaerobic sealant.
7. Establish on covers holders, then, working in that order (see an accompanying illustration), in stages evenly tighten fixing bolts with the demanded effort (see Specifications). |
8. Further installation is made as it should be, the return to an order of dismantle of components. In case of need make adjustment of valvate gaps (see the Head Routine maintenance). 9. Start the engine on existence of signs of leaks and serviceability of functioning. |