Honda Tsivik + Cars of the Honda Civic and Acura Integra brand + Maintenance instruction + Routine maintenance + Engine - Cooling system and heating Specifications Antifreeze - general information Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the thermostat Check of a condition of the fan(s) of the cooling system and chain of its inclusion, replacement of the fan(s) Removal and installation of a radiator and broad tank of the cooling system Removal and installation of the oil cooler Check of a condition of the water pump Replacement of the water pump Check of serviceability of functioning and replacement of the block of the sensor of the measuring instrument of temperature of cooling liquid Check of serviceability of functioning of a driving electric motor of the fan of a heater and condition of components of its electric chain, replacement of components Removal and installation of an electric motor of the drive of the fan of a heater Removal and installation of assembly of the control panel functioning of a heater and conditioner of air, adjustment of a driving cable Replacement of the heat exchanger of a heater Check of serviceability of functioning and service of systems of heating and air conditioning Check of an electric chain of the coupling of coupling of the K/V compressor Removal and installation of a receiver dehumidifier To/in Removal and installation of the K/V compressor Removal and installation of the K/V condenser Removal and installation of the K/V evaporator with the broad valve + Power supply system and release + Electric equipment of the engine + Control systems of the engine + gear shifting Box + Coupling and power shafts + Brake system + Suspension bracket and steering + Body + Onboard electric equipment
Check of serviceability of functioning and service of systems of heating and air conditioning Central air
The air conditioning system constantly is under a high pressure. Do not disconnect refrigerator lines at all and do not remove any components of system, previously without having executed a discharge of the last. The discharge of the air conditioning system has to be made by forces of the skilled expert in the conditions of a workshop of car service. At a rassoyedineniye of refrigerator lines surely put on goggles! When replacing components of the air conditioning system the certain amount of replaceable refrigerator oil necessary for filling of volume of new knot will be required. Use only the oil good for the use in R-134a systems (attentively study a label on the container). |
Service The listed below control checks have to be made on a regular basis for the purpose of maintenance of the air conditioning system in good repair: a) Check a condition of a belt of the drive of the compressor. In case of detection of defects or signs of wear make replacement (see the Head Routine maintenance); b) Check effort of a tension of a driving belt, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment (see the Head Routine maintenance); c) Check hoses of a refrigerator path for existence of cracks, swellings, signs of hardening and aging of rubber. In case of need make replacement; d) Check condenser plates for existence of the remains of insects, old leaves and other garbage which got stuck between them. In case of need clean gaps a thin brush, or blow them compressed air; e) Check the level of a charge of system;
f) At detection of potek of water on rugs in salon under the dashboard pick up the drainage phone of removal of condensate from an evaporator casing (it is located in the bottom forward corner) and a piece of a wire check passability of both openings (see an accompanying illustration). |
The air conditioning system has to turn on at least for 10 minutes at least once a month (even in a winter season). Long inaction To/in leads to hardening and failure of sealing rings and cuffs of a connecting path.
At inclusion of function of removal of products of frosting the К/В compressor is involved. |
In case of violations in work To/in, first of all check serviceability of functioning of the coupling of coupling of the compressor (see Check of an electric chain of the coupling of coupling of the K/V compressor). In view of complexity of a design of system and need of use of the special equipment, its service, deep diagnostics and recovery repair lie outside qualification of the average amateur mechanic and have to be made in the conditions of a workshop of car service. Only the elementary checks and replacements which are listed below in the present manual get to competence of the owner of the car. To/in decrease in level of a charge of refrigerator oil is the most typical cause of infringement of serviceability of functioning. The elementary checks given below will allow to reveal signs of decrease in level of coolant quickly. Check
1. Warm up the engine up to the normal working temperature. 2. Include To/in on the maximum refrigerating capacity. Choose the maximum high-speed mode of the fan. Open doors to exclude the closed air circulation in salon.
3. Enter the thermometer into an output air duct via the central deflector on the dashboard (see an accompanying illustration). At included To/in temperature of the air leaving the deflector has to lie within 2 °C÷8 of °C. In very hot weather (40 °C), increase of output temperature to 15 °C, but is admissible no more. |
4. If the requirements listed in the previous paragraph are not fulfilled, the system means needs charging. For more detailed diagnostics of a condition of system the car should be driven away in a specialized workshop. |
Coolant addition
For charging of the air conditioning system of the cars considered in the present manual it is necessary to use only refrigerator R-134a oil. |
1. Prepare the standard charging R-134a set (ask in shops of automobile accessories). The valve nozzle and the piece of a hose connected between the gate and the union of low pressure part of the refrigerator highway are a part of a set a barrel with refrigerator oil (see an accompanying illustration). As one barrel of oil it can appear insufficiently for final charging of system, it makes sense to buy on any case at once couple. Track that at least in one of barrels it was a little tinted in red color that will allow to reveal quickly leak of coolant in case of those. |
Do not fill more than two barrels of coolant in system at all! |
2. According to instructions of manufacturers connect a charging set to system. The design of nipple connections allows to make connection of a set only to low pressure part of system.
Do not make attempts of connection of a set to the union of high-pressure part of the highway at all! |
3. Close the gate on a transitional nozzle and screw the last on a barrel head, previously having made sure available a sealing ring / rubber laying.
4. Remove a dustproof cap from the union of low pressure part of the refrigerator highway and connect to it the hose of a charging set equipped with the socket of fast joining (see an accompanying illustration). |
5. Warm up the engine and include K/V. Track that the hose of a charging set did not adjoin to blades of fans of cooling systems of engine/air conditioning.
Charging of system has to be made at the working compressor. If the coupling of coupling of the compressor is switched-off, the system should be switched to the maximum refrigerating capacity and to open all doors of salon. That the compressor was not switched-off in the course of charging, disconnect the socket from the low pressure switch (on some models the combined switch of a low/high pressure is used) and peremknit it a paper clip or a piece of a wire. |
6. Rotation of a valve nozzle pierce a barrel head, having opened thereby coolant supply (the characteristic sound of the escaping gas has to be heard). In the course of all charging discipline a barrel vertically, from time to time stirring up it. Between two series do to charging the pause necessary for stabilization of system. 7. In the presence of near at hand exact thermometer enter it in via the deflector into the central air duct To/in and watch on it temperature of the air given to salon (see the paragraph 3 "Checks"). 8. When the barrel becomes empty, block the gate and disconnect a hose from the low pressure union of system. At once put on a dustproof cap the union. 9. Disconnect a valve nozzle from a barrel, in case of need rearrange it on the second barrel and continue gas station. Upon completion of procedure put an unfinished barrel vertically on a rack and as required use it for recharge of system. |
System of heating
1. Moistening of a carpet on a floor under the heater heat exchanger, or a steam-out via deflectors of air ducts is told about leakages of the heat exchanger of a heater. Remove the heat exchanger (see Replacement of the heat exchanger of a heater) and replace it new (the heater heat exchanger is not subject to recovery repair). 2. If the heater does not provide heating of the air given to salon, one of the following can be the reason of such refusal: a) The thermostat is jammed in open situation that allows given to the heat exchanger of a heater of cooling liquid of the engine to heat up to due temperature; b) Violation of passability of a cooling path that blocks supply of cooling liquid in the heater heat exchanger takes place. Feel the hoses connected to branch pipes on a back partition of a motive compartment – both of them have to be hot, otherwise passability of a path is broken (hoses, the heat exchanger, or the operating heater valve are blocked). Disconnect hoses and make obratnopotochny the heat exchanger. Previously having disconnected, wash out also both hoses. c) If it is not possible to restore passability of the heat exchanger by washing, it is necessary to make replacement of the block. |